WW II, a British focus  


War Diaries

2nd Royal Gloucestershire Hussars
September 1939 to January 1943 (Disbanded)
CO: Lt Col JAT Miller
January 1940
1/1/40 WARSOP, Notts
The Regiment arrived in the Warsop area and was accommodated in requisitioned buildings and billets as follows:
WARSOP     -RHQ, HQ Sqn, G & H Sqns.
EDWINSTOWE    -F Sqn and Recruit Training Wing.
CUCKNEY    -Wireless Wing.
The Revd SA Larrett reported to the Regiment as Chaplain.
21/1/40 Capt B Carey RTR was attached to the Regiment to organise Driving and Maintenance instruction.
29/1/40 2 RGH Operation Instruction No. 1 was issued to all concerned. This contained orders for a party of 8 officers and 250 ORs to be held at 6 hours notice in case of emergency.

4 medium tanks were received,500 rifles were received.
6 men were struck off the strength of this unit and transferred to Class W (T) of the Army Reserve.2 men were transferred for duty to No 10 Military Mission, Aldershot.
One Sgt mechanic and one fitter from RTR and RAOC respectively were posted to the Regiment.
The strength of the Regiment on 31 Jan 1940 was as follows:-37 officers and 627 ORs.

Signed R Knight, Capt Adjutant.

CO: Lt Col JAT Miller
February 1940
1 - 29 WARSOP, Notts
The following were received during the month:-
3 tractors
6 medium Bezas
50 .45 pistols.
2 Tprs were transferred to Class W(T) Reserve.
2 ORs were transferred to OCTU.
1 Tpr transferred to Royal Engineers.
2 Tprs discharged as unfit.
1 Tpr died of consumption [TB] (7894097 Tpr Thomas DR)
Four TSMs, 3 Sgts and 6 Corporals were posted from the Royal Tank Regiment.
The strength of the Regiment on 29 Feb 1940 was as follows:-
37 officers and 632 ORs.

Signed R Knight, Capt Adjutant.

CO: Lt Col JAT Miller
March 1940
1 - 31 WARSOP, Notts
The following were received during the month:-
17 hired lorries for transport and instructional training.
4 2pdr guns for instruction.
1 Sgt, 3 Cpls, 1 L/Cpl and 35 Tprs were posted to 22nd Armd Bde HQ from this Regiment but attached to this Regiment for training.
5 ORs were transferred to the Staying Camp Exeter for guard duties.
2 ORs were transferred to Class W(T) Reserve for return to civil employment.
1 OR transferred to an OCTU (7897706 Tpr Ross TRC)
The strength of the Regiment on 29 Mar 1940 was as follows:-
37 officers and 589 ORs.

Signed R Knight, Capt Adjutant.

CO: Lt Col JAT Miller
April 1940
1 - 30 WARSOP, Notts
The following were received during the month:-
2 Mk VIc tanks (8/4/40)
4 Bren guns and 4 Mk 1 Boyes Anti Tank rifles from 1st KDG. (9/4/40)
Capt MK Braybrooke RAMC posted to Military Hospital Catterick. (7/4/40)
Capt Revd SA Larrett was transferred to BEF (7/4/40)
Major GJ Yorke was posted to Mobilisation Control Centre Tidworth. (24/4/40)
2 Tprs posted to BEF (22/4/40)
1 Cpl and 6 Tprs posted to 3rd Hussars. (24/4/40)
5 Tprs posted to 55th Detachment (WSY) Fd Regt RA Exeter (13/4/40)
4 ORs were transferred to OCTU - Sgt Knight HC, Tpr Snell AB, Tpr McEwan, Tpr Bonham-Christie J. (29/4/40)
2 ORs to Class W(T) Reserve
Lt W Trevor was posted to this unit from 2 Armd Div. (4/4/40)
Lt T Lynch RAMC was posted to this unit from Catterick hospital. (4/4/40)
1 OR posted to this unit from 57th Hvy Training Regt. (5/4/40)
The strength of the Regiment on 30 Apr 1940 was as follows:-
36 officers and 570 ORs.
Individual training was carried on throughout the month. The number of officers and ORs passing through the principle courses were as follows:-
Gunnery and D&M Bovington and Div School Retford - 18 officers and 24 ORs.
Regimental D&M Elementary    108
Advanced     74
Regimental Gunnery Elementary    43
Advanced     53

Bovington and Regimental Wireless - 1 officer and 93 ORs.
CO: Lt Col JAT Miller
May 1940
1 - 30 WARSOP, Notts
The following was received during the month:-
2 light tanks Mk VIc
Lt Col JAT Miller relinquished command wef 13/5/40.
TSM Buchanan was discharged to an Emergency Commission.
7894267 Cpl Corry and 7894613 Tpr Richards were transferred to 142 OCTU (RE)
1 OR was posted to 1AD. 2 ORs were posted to Tactical School Bulford.
1 OR was transferred to Class W(T).
1 OR was posted to 22 AB.
1 OR was transferred to REs Derby.
Lt Col NA Birley assumed command of the Regiment wef 13/5/40.
Capt RM Fitzhugh was posted to the Regiment from 17/21st Lancers.
The Revd W Llewellyn (Chaplains Corps) joined for duty wef 1/5/40.
Lt R Maunsell and Lt J Paterson joined for duty wef 24/5/40 and 25/5/40 respectively.
The strength of the Regiment on 31 May 1940 was as follows:-
38 officers and 561 ORs.
The Regiment moved out from WARSOP on an operational role and were bivouacked in the SKELLINGTHORPE area. Move out took place at 0430 hrs on 31 May 40.
A rear party was left at WARSOP, comprising approx 100 men.
CO: Lt Col NA Birley
June 1940
1 - 30 WARSOP
Capt AR Darlow was attached to the Regt wef 10/6/40 from 2 Armd div.
Lt J Horrocks was attached to the Regt wef 5/6/40 from Command Ordnance Depot.
1 OR posted from 57th Training Regt. 1 OR posted from 2 Armd div. 1 OR posted from 22 Armd Bde. 7 ORs posted from 3rd Hussars. 1 OR posted from 17/21st Lancers.
Capt WE Barrington-Browne was posted to 22 Armd Bde wef 11/6/40.
Capt JN Harper was posted to 2 Armd Div wef 11/6/40.
Capt JA Midwood was posted to 52 Training Regt wef 20/6/40.
Capt HR Rowlands was posted to 2 Armd Div wef 6/6/40.
Lt T Lynch RAMC was posted to 201 Fd Amb.
7897436 Cpl Anderson posted to 168 OCTU Aldershot (Inf).
4 ORs transferred to Class W(T) Reserve.
7881461 SSM Hearsey posted to 57th Training Regt.
420932 L/Cpl Kepple and 7897268 L/Cpl Ward posted to 102 OCTU (RAC).
7897779 Tpr Davies ERM posted to 125 OCTU (RA).
7897133 Tpr Hector, 7891612 Harrold, 7894080 L/Cpl Harris F and 7897794 Tpr Taylor MA posted to 101 OCTU (RAC) wef 7/6/40.
7 ORs posted to 51st Training Regt. 6 ORs posted to 53rd Training Regt. 2 ORs posted to 22 Armd Bde. 1 OR posted to 2 Armd Div.
7892310 Sgt Till J posted to OPC Ramsgate (RASC).
7895782 Sgt Ryde P posted to 101 OCTU Sandhurst (RAC).

Strength of the Regiment on 30/6/40 was 34 officers and 541 ORs.

The following equipment was received:-
1 water truck (230 Gal), 3 M/C comb, Norton, 1 office truck, 11 30cwt lorries, 2 M/C solo Norton 3 Humber 6 seaters - all from COO Chilwell 5/6/40.
26 lorries, 3ton Bedford from Vauxhall Motors Ltd.
4 Austin 10HP Utility cars from Xion COO Chilwell.
12 Bedford 15cwt Guy Ants transferred to 12 Regt RHA.
2 MC solo BSA transferred to 105 Fd Park Coy RE.
2 MC solo Norton transferred to 105 Fd Park Coy RE.
2 tanks medium transferred to 45th RTR.
4 tanks Mk VIc transferred to 3rd CLY.
9 tanks Mk VIb received from COO Chilwell.
10 Daimler scout cars received from Daimlers Coventry.

S8/6/40 - The rear party left WARSOP and joined the Regt at SKELLINGTHORPE area.
20/6/40 - The Regt left SKELLINGTHORPE by road on an Operational Exercise and billeted at EDWINSTOWE for the dates 20/21 June.
22/6/40 - The Regt left EDWINSTOWE by road for CRANFORD. RHQ was located at WOODFORD HOUSE, CRANFORD and the Regt was stationed under canvas on the Woodford House estate.

CO: Lt Col NA Birley
July 1940
2 ORs posted in from 56th Tr Regt. 1 OR taken on strength from BEF.
SQMS Lawrence posted from 56th Training Regt.
SQMS Bartlett posted from 55th Training Regt.
1 OR posted from 22 Armd Bde. 1 OR posted from 51st Training Regt.
17 ORs posted from 45 Btn RTR. 5 ORs posted from 53rd Training Regt.
5 ORs posted from 47th Btn RTR. 5 ORs posted from 57th Training Regt.
1 OR posted from 101 OCTU Blackdown, (O'Neill).

Lt J Horrocks RAOC returned to Command Ordnance Depot.
1 OR posted to 2 Armd Div. 3 ORs posted to 22 Armd Bde.
7891882 Cpl Collins HA, 7897267 Tpr Jewell D, 7897420 L/Cpl Lucas J posted to 164 OCTU Colchester (Inf).
7895929 Cpl Fortesque-Brickdale posted to 102 OCTU (RAC).
30 ORs posted to School of Military Administration, Brockenhurst, (Med Cats).
2 ORs discharged under para 383 (xvi) King Regulations.
7891613 L/Cpl Jacomb-Hood J and 7892 Tpr Boutflower J posted to 164 OCTU Colchester (inf).

Strength of the Regiment on 31/7/40 was 34 officers and 539 ORs.

The following equipment was received:-
1 light tank Mk VIb from COO Chilwell. 1 32 seater coach from 4 CLY.
3 light tanks from COO Chilwell. 3 30cwt Commers from 4 CLY.
1 30cwt Morris from 4 CLY. 1 30cwt Commer from 3 CLY.
4 light tanks, Dutch, from Vickers Armstrong Ltd.
2 32 seater buses from 4 CLY. 1 32 seater bus from 3 CLY.
1 32 seater bus from 22 Armd Bde. 24 light tanks, Dutch, from Vickers Armstrong.
2 light tanks, Dutch, from Vickers Armstrong.
1 32 seater coach from 3 CLY.
1 Austin 7hp, 2 Bedford 3ton, 1 Morris 3-ton, 1 Commer 3-ton from 4th Hussars.
1 Guy 3-ton, 1 Bedford 3-ton from 2 Armd Div Signals.

The following equipment was transferred:-
1 scout car to 22 Armd Bde. 1 Bedford 15cwt to 3 CLY.
1 Bedford 15cwt to 4 CLY. 8 Bedford 15cwt to 3rd Cheshire Fd Coy RE.
11 Bedford 3-ton to 142 Fd Park Tp RE. 11 Fordson 30cwt to 22 Armd Bde Div Signals.
15 Bedford 3-ton to 22 Armd Bde Signals. 9 scout cars to 3rd RTR.

CO: Lt Col NA Birley
August 1940
2Lt E Ades joined for duty wef 3/8/40.
1 OR posted from 22 Armd Bde. 1 OR posted from 125 OCTU (Davies ER).

2 ORs posted to W(T) Reserve. 1 OR posted to 53 Training Regt.
1 OR posted to 51 Training Regt. 10 ORs posted to 2 Armd Div.
Cpl Murray CV was declared a Deserter after absence of over 21 days.
1 OR posted to 53 Trng Regt. 1 OR posted to 55 Trng Regt.1 OR posted to AFV School. 1 OR discharged under 383 (xvi) KR (medical).

Strength of the Regiment on 31/8/40 was 35 officers and 522 ORs.


The following equipment was received:-
1 Commer 30cwt from 3 CLY. 7 30cwt lorries from 4th Hussars.
7 30cwt lorries from KDGs. 1 3-ton lorry from 4th Hussars.
1 3-ton lorry from KDGs. 1 scout car from HQ Sqn 22 Armd Bde.
1 scout car from 3 RTR. 1 scout car from 3 CLY.
2 scout cars from 4 CLY. 1 light tank Mk VIb from Chilwell.
6 light tanks Mk VIb from 3 CLY. 1 30cwt lorry from 4th Hussars.
3 light tanks Mk VIb from 4 CLY. 2 light tanks, Dutch, from Vickers Armstrong.
9 Norton MC solo, 3 3-ton lorries, 9 15cwt trucks from 3 Fd Sqn RE.
8 15cwt trucks from Chilwell. 1 15cwt truck from 4 CLY.
1 15cwt truck from 3 CLY.
2 scout cars from Vauxhall Motors. 5 3-ton lorries from Chilwell.
3 3-ton lorries from 142 Fd Park Tp. 2 scout cars from Rear GHQ Twickenham.

17/8/40 - The Regiment left CRANFORD by road for BABRAHAM, A and fighting Echelons left at approx 1700 hrs and B Echelon at approx 2000 hrs. The Regiment bivouacked at night and arrived at BABRAHAM on 18/8/40. RHQ was located at the Vicarage BABRAHAM and the Regiment under canvas in the area.

CO: Lt Col NA Birley
September 1940
2Lt R Hewlett (RAOC) attached from RAOC Bovington wef 26/9/40.
Lt AB Waters (RAMC) attached from 3 Lt Fd Amb wef 27/9/40.
2 OR posted from 2 Armd Div.

Capt AR Darlow (RAMC) ceases to be attached wef 28/9/40.
4 ORs posted from 3rd Hussars.

Strength of the Regiment on 30/9/40 was 33 officers and 515 ORs.
Authority was received for the posting of 2Lt AH Stanton to 1st Armd Div wef 22/4/40 and 2Lt WA Griffin to 55th Trng Regt wef 24/8/40.

EQUIPMENTThe following equipment was received:-
15 3-ton lorries from 2 Armd Div Sigs. 6 30cwt lorries from Chilwell.
5 30cwt lorries from Chilwell. 1 light Dutch tank from Vickers Armstrong.
1 scout car from COO Chilwell. 1 light tank VIb from 4 CLY.
6 light armoured cars, Humberettes from COO Chilwell. 1 light tank VIb from 4 CLY.

The following equipment was transferred:-
6 3-ton lorries to 3 Fd Sqn RE. 7 32 seater coaches to RASC.
2 3-ton lorries to 3 CLY. 3 15cwt trucks to 1st KDG.
10 30cwt lorries to 1st KDG. 2 3-ton lorries to 142 Fd Park Tp.
7 15cwt trucks to 4th Hussars. 1 30cwt lorry to 142 Fd Park Tp.
5 30cwt lorries to 4th Hussars. 6 30cwt lorries to 2 Armd Div Sigs.

CO: Lt Col NA Birley
October 1940
3 ORs posted from "Y" List.
Capt R Fitzhugh posted to 17/21st Lancers wef 16/10/40.
2 ORs posted to 2 Armd Div. 1 OR posted to RAMC.
3 ORs posted to Y List. 13 ORs posted to 58th Trng Regt.
1 OR posted to 55th Trng Regt. 3 ORs posted to Y List.
Sgt Nicholls K posted to 53rd Trng Regt.
7897779 Tpr Davies ER posted to RAC OCTU Blackdown.
TSM Miller L, Sgt Warren DG, Sgt Buckley RV and L/Sgt Finch W posted to 59th Trng Regt.

Strength of the Regiment on 31/10/40 was 32 officers and 489 ORs.

The following equipment was received:-
4 light tanks Mk VIb from COO Chilwell. 2 light tanks Mk VIb from COO Chilwell.
2 tanks Cruisers Mk VIa from COO Chilwell. 1 light tank Mk VIb from 3 CLY.

The Division Commander inspected the Regiment on Monday October 7th at 0900hrs.

12/10/40 - The Regiment left BABRAHAM by road and rail for CRANLEIGH. RHQ was located at ROBIN RAG CRANLEIGH and the Regiment in private billets in the area.

CO: Lt Col NA Birley
November 1940
Capt JN Harper posted to the Regt wef 28/11/40 from 2 Armd Div.
2 ORs posted from 217 S/L Regt (RA). 2 ORs posted from 222 S/L Regt (RA).
32 ORs posted from 51st Trng Regt. 5 ORs posted from 57th Trng Regt.
30 ORs posted from 3rd Cav Trng Regt.

2Lt FE Adams and Lt FN Norbury posted to 59th Trng Regt. Wef 2/11/40 and 9/11/40 respectively.
1 OR posted to 17/21st Lancers. 1 OR posted to 22 Armd Bde.
2 ORs Posted to Y List. 2 ORs posted to W(T) Reserve.
1 OR posted to 51st Trng Regt.

Strength of the Regiment on 30/11/40 was 31 officers and 553 ORs.EQUIPMENTThe following equipment was received:-1 Tank Cruiser Mk VIa from COO Chilwell. 2 Tank Cruiser Mk VIa from COO Chilwell.

CO: Lt Col NA Birley
December 1940
1 OR posted from Army School of Cookery Aldershot (Sgt Newnham).
26 ORs posted from 56th Trng Regt Catterick.
25 ORs posted from 55th Trng Regt Farnborough.
SQMS McClughan posted from 22 Armd Bde.
2Lts GA Gordon-Greed, GT Honeysett and HM Muir joined the Regt for duty 15/12/40 (Gazetted).

4 ORs posted to 54th Trng Regt (for 11th Hussars).
SQMS Lawrence posted to 22 Armd Bde.
1 OR posted to 3rd MMG Bde (Cpl Davis HS).
5 ORs posted to 103 OCTU (Cpl Helbert, Tpr Lockwood, Sgt Rudge, Cpl Gardner, Tpr Wall).
1 OR posted to Class W(T). 3 ORs transferred to Class W(T) (Slaters & Tilers).

Strength of the Regiment on 31/12/40 was 34 officers and 585 ORs.

1 Tank Cruiser Mk VIa from COO Chilwell.
1 3-ton impressed lorry (Albion) transferred to Ord Depot Guildford.
3 light Dutch tanks transferred to 54th Trng Regt Tidworth.
1 light tank Mk VI transferred to 9th Lancers.

1939     home     1941     1942     1943